Topic outline
In this unit you will learn how to use the past simple and you will practice reading different text in the past. Label: 1File: 1Pages: 4Book: 1Quiz: 1Forum: 1PAST CONTINUOUS
In this unit you will learn the different ways to use the past continuous and you will learn how to write a email about a trip using appropriate techniques. URL: 1Assignment: 1Quiz: 1PAST SIMPLE VS PAST CONTINUOUS
In this unit you will learn the differencebetween the two tenses. You will also listen to different conversations in English to improve your knowledge on these verbs. Files: 2Assignment: 1Quiz: 1USED TO
IN this unit you will become aware of how different is the structure Used to. You will write a text about your childhood. File: 1Workshop: 1Quiz: 1Final Questionaire
Show how much you have learned related to the past.